Your Brain is a Time Lord

Using Contextual Priming and Cueing to Enhance Memory Neuroscientists are discovering new ways to help people learn every day. Let’s talk about two of them: Priming and Post-cueing. Priming Priming is the practice of presenting information before a learning...

Overcoming the Sales Credibility Gap

Approach-Avoidance Conflict and the Brain Approach-avoidance conflict is a term used to describe a major decision that has both appealing and unappealing elements to it. Since most people inherently mistrust salespeople, nearly every major purchase decision falls into...

Use Infographics to Enhance Training

An informative visual makes it easier for learners to understand and recall training content. From the dawn of time until 2003, humankind produced five exabytes (5 quintillion bytes) of information. Today, we produce that much information every two days. In the era of...