by Margie Meacham | Aug 4, 2016 | Events, Past Events
Register here: In order to build a smarter organization you need to start with smarter brains. The pace of change today demands that your team become nimble, ready to respond to new...
by Margie Meacham | Aug 3, 2016 | Events, Past Events
Your brain processes information in pictures, so why not deliver learning content in graphic form? Infographics are all the rage in social media because they convey a lot of information quickly and help the audience recognize patterns, connections and themes much more...
by Margie Meacham | Aug 1, 2016 | Events, Past Events
Have you ever come home from an exciting conference and found yourself wondering, “What exactly did I get out of this event?” Conferences can be exciting and energizing, but if you haven’t taken the time to assimilate new information your brain...
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