Podcast: Bruce Tulgan, Rainmaker Thinking

When we started our little podcast last year, many folks were very generous with their time and joined me in great conversations about learning, even though at the time our audience was very, very small. Now that it is starting to grow, I’m excited to bring back our...

Combating “The Homer Simpson Effect”

You Have to Forget Some Old Truths to Master Essentials of Brain-Based Learning There really is a “Homer Simpson” effect in neuroscience. The phenomenon was given this name in honor of the Fox network character, Homer Simpson. Homer once told Marge that...

The Google Effect

I recently heard a term that was new to me, “The Google Effect.” So of course, what did I do? I googled it. It turns out that there’s been quite a lot of research into the effects of online search on our brains and our apparent decline in the ability...