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A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.I’m thrilled to introduce you to Anna McGrath, the founder of Wonder Works, a leadership development firm that brings insights on the brain science of consciousness to her work. She’s also one of our Founding Members of LearningBinge, our new online learning space for learning professionals like you.

Anna’s extensive experience includes leading west coast operations for a sports management company where she was the area director for 400 people before she launched WonderWorks in 2003. Today she supports leaders who recognize that fulfillment comes from a combination of many aspects of life, making the creation of a healthy working environment critical to personal happiness and organizational success.

Her focus is on supporting organizations to embody conscious leadership skills and effectively distribute decision-making throughout the organization using various self-organizing systems and practices including Holocracy. Her major influences include whole-body transformational practices, self-organizing principles and polarity thinking.

Contact Anna at [email protected].