by Margie Meacham | Apr 16, 2019 | Events, Featured, LearningToGo Blog
Social media has changed learner expectations. The evidence suggests that short, targeted content can maximize learner engagement and increase business results. But it’s not so easy to change the way you design learning. With disruptive technologies changing the...
by Margie Meacham | Apr 13, 2019 | Featured, LearningToGo Blog
It is tempting to believe that one’s own time is facing the most rapid, disruptive rate of change ever experienced. Certainly Shakespeare must have thought so. During his life, the following things happened: The ruling military power in the civilized world...
by Margie Meacham | Mar 24, 2019 | awards, Events, Featured, LearningToGo Blog, Presentations & Videos, Upcoming Events
Learning Solutions 2019 is a conference produced by the eLearning Guild for training and learning professionals. Focused on the design, development, and management of technology-based learning and performance initiatives, the program features new tools, technologies,...
by Margie Meacham | Mar 20, 2019 | Events, Featured, LearningToGo Blog, Upcoming Events
Margie Meacham and Joe Ganci at Learning Solutions 2019 You can’t be available to provide coaching and feedback 24/7, but an intelligent chatbot can! All over the world, people are using artificial intelligence to manage their bank accounts, book travel, and...
by Margie Meacham | Mar 7, 2019 | Featured, LearningToGo Blog
The Singularity is a term you’ll find in science and in science fiction. It was coined by mathematician John von Neumann to define a theoretical moment when the artificial intelligence of computers surpasses the capacity of the human brain. The term is...
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