Mapping Brain Science to Application

Mapping Brain Science to Application by Margie Meacham Margie Meacham’s presentation on Mapping Neuroscience to Application, filmed at the Elearning Guild’s Learning Solutions 2015 conference, Orlando, March 2015. Book Your BrainyBot™ Discovery Session...

Your Brain Is Wired for Music

Your Brain Is Wired for Music by Margie Meacham This post first appeared in the ATD Blog on the 14th of March 2019. Pythagoras, Greek philosopher and mathematician, is recognized for discovering the relationship between the length of a string on an instrument and the...
Strategic Use of Music to Support Learning

Strategic Use of Music to Support Learning

Strategic Use of Music to Support Learning by Margie Meacham This post first appeared in the ATD Blog on the 29th of August. Quick. What’s the letter immediately after P in the English alphabet? You’re probably singing the alphabet song to yourself to answer this...
Magnificent Desolation

Magnificent Desolation

Magnificent Desolation by Margie Meacham “You must use the science in your life, or it doesn’t work.” – Dr. Bruce Lipton Each year on July 20, 2019, the world commemorates the landing of the first humans on the Moon. To this day, it is probably the most audacious,...
Can a Wiki Be an Antidote to Zoom Fatigue?

Can a Wiki Be an Antidote to Zoom Fatigue?

Can a Wiki Be an Antidote to Zoom Fatigue? by Margie Meacham In the wake of Zoom fatigue, we’re all looking for fresh ways to engage our learners and break up the endless stream of online meetings and virtual training. The negative impact of the 21st-century on our...