Where Does Genius Come From?

The term “genius” is perhaps the most over-used and under-comprehended term in the English language. In the 14th Century, someone’s “genius” was thought to be an external force guiding one’s creative endeavors – usually an...

Snakes and the Brain

The Judeo-Christian story of the Garden of Eden tells us that the devil, disguised as a snake, tricks Adam and Eve into eating of the forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, a recent study suggests that early, long-term exposure to snakes...

Your Brain is a Time Lord

Using Contextual Priming and Cueing to Enhance Memory Neuroscientists are discovering new ways to help people learn every day. Let’s talk about two of them: Priming and Post-cueing. Priming Priming is the practice of presenting information before a learning...