Podcast: TLDChat – Featuring Margie Meacham

Every weekday, learning professionals from around the world gather for a livestreaming interactive video experience at www.TLDC.us. I was honored to join them as a guest and talk about the future of learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, neuroscience and...

Podcast: Bruce Tulgan, Rainmaker Thinking

When we started our little podcast last year, many folks were very generous with their time and joined me in great conversations about learning, even though at the time our audience was very, very small. Now that it is starting to grow, I’m excited to bring back our...

Podcast: Michelle Munt – Jumbled Brain Blogger

One day you’re living your life, on your way to work. A freak accident changes everything in a millisecond. When you wake up, the rest of the world is exactly the same, but you are profoundly changed. The rest of your story will be about finding your way back...

Podcast – Travis Waugh – The Future of Learning

Travis Waugh is an Instructional Technologist at Georgia Institute of Technology. In that role, he’s on the leading edge of learning technology, so he was a perfect guest to indulge my interests in neuroscience, artificial intelligence, computer-aided cognition, smart...