Let’s face it.The world is changing. Customers expect a different buying experience. But all the top “sales training” programs were written in the last century – and they have started to look very dated.
Top performersknow this and have instinctively changed their approach to be more engaging, direct, and transparent to their customers. But to achieve this difference consistently throughout your organization, you need more than just the top two percenters to get it.
That’s why I’ve partnered with theConsultative Sales Certification (CSC) programto develop the Brain-Based Selling program.To introduce the program, I’m offering a complementary assessment for allmy friends and followers. Use this assessment tosee how your understanding of the neuroscience of selling comparesto other sales professionals.Be sure to use the access code below to get a free assessment. (Normally offered at $125.)
Access code is brainbasedsalesIQ
Once you complete the assessment,we’llcontact you to review your results, help you set specific development goals and discuss your optionsto set up a Brain-Based Sellingprogramtailored to your profile.To access your complimentary assessment, follow this link. Your results will be kept completely confidential. I am confident that you will find value in this experience.
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