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A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.One of the most rewarding things I’ve experienced as a learning consultant is being able to plant the seeds of new best practices and watch them bear fruit in so many unexpected ways. Last year I gave a presentation at Learning Solutions 2016, organized by the eLearning Guild. One of the attendees, Eve Alexander, was inspired to check out my book and begin applying brain-based learning concepts to her own work at Frontline Research & Learning Institute, where she works as a content development coordinator. (I highly recommend the institute’s online magazine featuring ideas, insight and civil discourse related to the advancement of education.)

Fast-forward one year and now Eve is giving her own presentation at Learning Solutions 2017 partnering with Alexander Salas, LMS Administrator at Centene Corporation.

She joined me recently to talk about their topic, Character Animation Tips in Storyline 2 and Presenter. Whether you are a trainer or instructional designer (or even none of the above), this session will show you how to use Storyline 2 and Presenter to build powerful stories that draw the learner in, using character animation.