A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.I’ve been privileged to work with the ATD to design and deliver my live virtual workshop series, Essentials of Brain-Based Learning for several years now. ATD is a world-class organization with a wide range of services and resources for learning professionals at every level of experience. If you’re not a member yet, please consider joining us. Here’s what people are saying about my workshop:

  • “Excellent class! I highly recommend it! Thanks Margie for giving me the tools to enhance the design of my courses.”
  • “Love the information and the great interaction within the group. Learned so much!”
  • “Very timely content with practical ideas I can use right now.”
  • “One of the best I’ve attended.”
  • “Margie is very open and positive; she looks for new and interesting ways to reach people. She is always keeping her ears and eyes open for a better way to present her information. Super resources.”
  • “The Brain based learning principles and the research Margie shared will help build the case for making significant changes in the way we train.
  • “Margie is one of the most engaging instructor’s I’ve experienced and she really knows her stuff!”
A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.

Cindy Kozumplik

Sign up for one of our future sessions now!

If you’d like to bring this or any other Brain-Based Learning workshop to your organization, contact us now for 2018 dates.