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As we all know, informal learning in a social setting is one of the most powerful ways to change behavior and learn new skills, yet many of us struggle to find those opportunities for our own development. Membership in ATD, at the local and global levels, is one way to plan for your own development as a learning professional. The ATD Valley of the Sun Chapter, serving the greater Phoenix area. Like most of our local chapters, the ATD Valley of the Sun Chapter is governed by volunteer leaders who represent all aspects of the training and human resources development profession. These leaders dedicate countless hours and lend their substantial expertise to serve the educational and professional development needs of their members. And, yet, we continue to behave like the “shoemaker’s children,” placing our own development last on our list of priorities (which means it never gets done.)
I hope you consider investing in your own development and join me at one or more of the open events on my schedule. The ATD-VoS conference will focus on emerging Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality technology for learning. If you think these technologies are still far away on the horizon, think again. These technologies are available today and the uses for advancing training and education are becoming more affordable and easier to implement every day. For a great overview, catch my session, “How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Learn.” I’ll be sharing how interacting with AI can rewire your brain and accelerate learning while reinforcing memory and super-charging cognitive functions.
As always, if you’re coming, please let me know so we can connect face-to-face.
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