A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.The eLearning Guild puts on a great show full of educational opportunities and packed with networking and fun. I’ll be sharing some of my tips for building learning experiences that are designed the way the brain learns – so that you can save time and have a greater impact on actual performance.

If you are a teacher, professor, trainer, instructional designer or elearning developer – or you manage the learning function in any way – I hope to see you at this event. Last year my talk at Learning Solutions was so popular that I was one of only a few speakers to be videotaped. You can catch my entire talk from last year to gain a basic understanding of how neuroscience is changing the way we think about learning. I hope you’ll be fired up to learn more and make brain-aware design work for yourself and your team. While you’re at it, why not join the Guild? You’ll save on this and other conferences and have access to all kinds of resources. I’m a member – please join me.

If you’re coming, please let me know so we can meet face-to-face.

A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.