The Learningtogo Brain and Learning newsletter has been awarded the Constant Contact
2016 All Star designation. The annual award recognizes the most successful
10 percent of blogs and newsletters on Constant Contact, based on their significant achievements using email marketing to engage their customer base and drive results for their organization during the prior year. When I think that we started this blog in 2015 with only 18 subscribers (including members of my family), I’m so proud to see where we’ve coming in just two years. It’s encouraging to know that you’re sharing the blog and newsletter, linking to us on social media and spreading the word; you must be finding value from our efforts. I really appreciate all of YOU. John Cheevers said, “”I can’t write without a reader. It’s precisely like a kiss–you can’t do it alone.”
Without readers who are also engaged fans I would just be a cranky teacher posting things no one was reading. So THANK YOU! Let’s have another All Star year together!
P.S. If you like our newsletter and want the same results for your team, contact Barb Smith, at Barb Smith Design, and see what she can do for you!

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