What is Learning Automation?
With Learning automation, the LMS is programmed to “learn” the skills that each individual employee needs to meet business goals. Algorithms tell the LMS computer code how to determine which skills are required, based on business objectives. The LMS then produces a customized learning plan for each employee based on gaps indicated by skill assessment results. No more writing assessments; you simply upload your existing content and the system writes the questions. As business goals change, the LMS, guided by the underlying algorithms, adjusts immediately and changes learning plans as needed to fill the newly identified skill gaps. This new type of LMS has only become possible with the advent of machine learning. The algorithm provides detailed instructions that allow the LMS to discover the needs of the business and each individual in your organization. No matter how much things change, the system will continue to adjust learning plans automatically, responding to updating company objectives. Instead of trying to plan for every possibility, the “machine” – in this case, the LMS – “learns” what is needed by analyzing the data according to the instructions contained in the algorithm.
Benefits of eLearning Automation
We may eventually develop a long list of benefits for learning automation as we gain more experience with this new technology. For now, here are the top advantages I see for early adopters:
Shortened needs analysis process – The smart LMS will be able to help you conduct a needs analysis by delivering assessments based on existing content. If the employee doesn’t pass the assessment, and the skill is flagged for his or her current or future role, the LMS will add that training to the learning plan. Detailed reports can show you a snapshot of needed skills vs. assessment scores for your entire organization, group or individual. You should be able to spend less time on analysis and more time on developing content and robust learning experiences.
No more writing assessment questions – Let’s face it, writing assessments is a science and an art; few of us are truly qualified to do it well. With the right programming in place, your assessments will be written for you by the LMS, so you can concentrate on developing the content, save time and probably get a more valid assessment of individual capabilities.
Training that adapts to changing business needs in an instant – The rapidly changing world of today demands a nimble response from the training organization and a smart LMS can help you meet those demands. For example, if your company decides that your customer care team needs to start making sales during inbound calls, just update the program, and the system will deliver these employees the training they need to achieve their new goals.
Truly personalized learning at last – We’ve been talking about personalized learning for decades, and the technology has finally caught up. Because no two people are alike, no two employees will have exactly the same learning plan, even if they are serving in the same role.
Greater learner motivation and performance – When employees receive learning suggestions that are truly customized to them, they will probably respond with more excitement about their work and a greater appreciation for the company that has invested so sincerely in their future. While this new type of LMS will likely appeal to all learners, Millennials are already demanding this sort of customized approach that mirrors their highly personalized experience as digital consumers.
Stay on top of technology trends with ATD
My ATD membership helps me stay on top of trends like smart LMSs, machine learning and artificial intelligence. I’m excited to be able to share some of these exciting trends with you in my session on the future of learning at ATD’s International Conference and Expo (ICE).
The next ten years may be the most disruptive the learning professional has ever seen, as we race to incorporate the new technologies that are already invading other parts of our lives. Join me and we’ll face the future together.
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