If you look at Brain Matters: How to help anyone learn anything using neuroscience on Amazon, you’ll soon see a new design on the back cover, thanks to a truly wonderful endorsement from my colleague and friend, #1 Coach, Marshall Goldsmith. Dr. Goldsmith served as our keynote speaker at our Brain Matters online conference in 2015 and he’s one of our most popular guests on our top-rated podcast. Here are his comments on the book:

A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.

Marshall Goldsmith

“I found this book easy to read and full of practical ideas for helping people change behavior and learn new things. Margie Meacham keeps things simple, but never forgets the science behind her work. I recommend this book to every coach, teacher, trainer or leader who cares about helping others succeed as life-long learners.”

We’re all embarking on a great adventure; the neurosciences are unlocking the code that makes the brain work, giving educators, teachers, corporate trainers and mentors new tools to help people learn and change behavior. I’m so grateful to have met Marshall along the way and share this adventure with him and all of you! If you have comments about the book, please let me know. Maybe we’ll put your name on the cover, too!