The 2018 Ultimate Podcast List is Out … and We’re Proud to Be There!

podcast 18

When Sam Rogers announced his intention to compile a list of the most popular podcasts for L&D in 2017, I thought I’d have to mount a write-in campaign. Luckily, Sam was aware of us and our program was on the ballot. I felt even luckier to make the list, thanks to our fascinating guests and listeners like you!

Here’s a sampling of programs you can enjoy today:

Dr. Greg Gage – Backyard Brains

Brian Jones – eLearning Art

Sam Rogers – Just Do the Thing

Baba Brinkman – The Rap Guide to Consciousness

Bruce Tulgan – Rainmaker Thinking

Britt Andreatta – Wired to Grow

Paul Zak – All Learning is Emotional


Now it is 2018 and we’ve made the list again. In the coming months I hope to bring as many as many of these podcasters to our program as possible, so you can learn about learning from the best. In the meantime, check out Sam’s list and enjoy!

Thanks Sam!