Sam Rogers is an expert at finding effective, efficient, and engaging ways to deliver learning through technology, so I was excited to learn that he was conducting a survey to determine the most popular Learning and Development podcasts in 2017. While I’ll admit to a little bit of campaigning with all of you, I’m thrilled to announce that we landed number 8 on the list, along with some pretty great folks like Connie Malamed (1), Five Trainers in a Car (2), ATD (7) and many other wonderful programs!
Thanks to everyone who voted for us and everyone who continues to join me as I interview experts from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, education and corporate training to uncover the latest discoveries in how we learn and how our amazing brains work.
You can see the entire list on Sam’s blog, which includes links to each program and descriptions from iTunes. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to Sam’s blog, so you won’t miss any of his insightful and fun advice for the learning professional.
Did you miss an episode of the Learningtogo Podcast? You can catch all the great archived episodes here and watch this blog for updates on future guests and events.
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