A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.Learning Solutions 2016, March 14, Orlando, Florida

A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.

Designing training without an understanding of how the brain works is a lot like trying to get somewhere without a map. Even if you eventually arrive at your destination, you won’t know how you got there so that you can do it again. Brain-aware design saves time, reduces rework, and boosts business results because it focuses your efforts on the design elements that are proven by science to be the most effective.

In this interactive workshop, you will understand how the brain works, how you can use the attention, engagement, encoding and retrieval processes of the brain to make training that is more effective, takes less time to produce and delivers more lasting results. You will apply brain-aware design to multiple types of projects, building your skill and confidence throughout the session. You’ll also learn how to apply a toolkit of templates and resources to help you make learning experiences that teach the brain the way the brain wants to learn.

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