A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.Hi Everybody!

I can’t believe that only three years ago we launched our blog with about 65 subscribers, most of them friends and family I “volunteered” to become our first subscribers. Today, we’re growing every day, with folks joining our learning science community from all over the world. I’m so proud of what we’ve built for our clients and I love being able to spend time doing what I love – helping people apply the neurosciences to enhance learning.

If you haven’t visited our site lately, you are in for a treat! Our redesign is visually gorgeous (I can say that because I had very little to do with it myself.) It’s also even more mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

You’ll find all the old features I hope you love – my Brain & Learning Blog, our top-rated podcast, and links to buy my book, Brain Matters: How to help anyone learn anything using neuroscience.

A blue linkedin logo in the middle of a green background.But now, we also have something brand new. I got tired of having to search all over the world for cool stuff that honors the most complex object in the universe – the human brain. So, I started collecting a list of products that I liked for whatever reason. Some are smart T-shirts,brain jewelry, even teaching aids and books written by friends and colleagues.

I figure if I like something, you might like it. So go ahead and check out our new Brain & Learning Marketplace and all the other great features at www.learningtogo.info.

If you want to hear how to do this for your business, listen to my podcast featuring web design and social media guru, Barb Smith.

Please tell me what you think; I’d love your feedback.
