I’m thankful for the love of my life, David. Just this morning I was reminded how much I rely on him for help with our personal and financial lives. If I hadn’t met him one fateful day in my sophomore year in college, I probably would have ended up a crazy neighborhood “cat lady.”
I’m thankful for every animal whoever shared my life. Any pet parent will tell you that their emotional and cognitive lives mirror our own. Thank goodness neuroscience is finally finding hard evidence of this intuitive fact. My pets are my friends and my children and that isn’t just a metaphor. It’s a literal truth.
I’m thankful that I had brilliant, supportive parents who instilled in me the power of learning and taught me that I could do anything I dreamed, so long as I was willing to work to achieve it.
I’m thankful for my large family and the unique connection I have with each brother, sister, nephew and niece.
I’m thankful for “Obama Care,” which has kept my youngest sister alive as she continues to battle a life-threatening illness.
I’m thankful that our last surviving parent, my mom-in-law, shares our home so we can see her every day. She’s a best friend as well as a parent and partner.
I’m thankful for all my friends all around the world. You have helped see me see the light through dark nights of the soul.
I’m thankful that I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth, Rio Verde, AZ.
I’m thankful for every client I’ve ever had, every boss I ever reported to, every company that ever gave me a job. I learned so much from each of you and used that learning experience to get where I am now.
I’m thankful for the small team of folks who are my business partners. They have brought their unique talents to help me build Learningtogo Inc. Some of these folks are Barb Smith, Chris Hupman, Kaye Pena, Michael Abrams, Sissy Siero, Rina Cretin, Rick Rubio and Loel Weatherly.
I’m thankful for the organizations that have shared their stage with me, including The Association for Talent Development (ATD), the eLearning Guild, Training Magazine, American Mentoring Association and The Learning and Development Conference (TLDC).
I’m thankful for the education I received and thankful for every teacher I ever had in school and college. I didn’t realize it then, but now I know what sacrifices are involved in choosing the vocation of teaching and I’m so thankful that you made those sacrifices so that you could teach me and so many others.
I’m thankful that I live in a country where the transfer of power is orderly and non-violent.
I’m thankful that I have the right and the responsibility to vote and I’m grateful to everyone who voted in our recent US election.
I’m thankful for all the service men and women who are making the ultimate sacrifice to keep us all safe. May you find a brief moment of safety and quiet to celebrate Thanksgiving with your families.
I’m thankful that I’m alive, healthy, well-fed and safe. I know there are many people in the world who cannot say that today.
I’m thankful for you, the people who read my posts and tweets and follow me on Twitter and Facebook. You’re the reason I’m doing this and I love what I do. That’s all a result of connecting with each of you in person and online. Thanks so much for telling me that I have something valuable to say.
Wow! That felt great! Gratitude really is good for you!
I’m so thankful that I took a few minutes to do this exercise. I highly recommend it!
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