Barbara Oakley – Learning to Learn

Listen to Podcast: If you’re not sure about the staying power of the world-wide interest in practical applications of neuroscience to build better lives, talk to Dr. Barbara Oakley. Her course on Learning to Learn has reached over a million people and is still...

Podcast: Learning to Learn: Barbara Oakley

If you’re not sure about the staying power of the world-wide interest in practical applications of neuroscience to build better lives, talk to Dr. Barbara Oakley. Her course on Learning to Learn has reached over a million people and is still gaining momentum. I...

Where Does Genius Come From?

The term “genius” is perhaps the most over-used and under-comprehended term in the English language. In the 14th Century, someone’s “genius” was thought to be an external forceguiding one’s creative endeavors – usually an...

Podcast: Andre Vermeulen

I caught up with the globe-trotting Dr. Vermeulen in South Africa and we chatted about his program to assess individual learning capabilities. His work at Neuro-Link is asking intriguing questions about how we learn and how we can become better...