Interview with Bryan Jones of eLearningArt

Listen to Full Podcast: Bryan Jones, founder of eLearningArt, is a pioneer in eLearning and instructional design. His company, eLearningArt, is the leading provider of eLearning images and templates for the eLearning industry. Through its people picture images,...

Podcast: Interview with Bryan Jones of eLearningArt

Bryan Jones, founder of eLearningArt, is a pioneer in eLearning and instructional design. His company, eLearningArt, is the leading provider of eLearning images and templates for the eLearning industry. Through its people picture images, background images, templates,...

The Power of the Expectation Effect

David Epsteinstudies the changes in athletic achievements and how these achievements related to changes in technology, genetics, and human beliefs about the limits of the human body. What he has discovered is that our brains have a built-in “limiter”–an...