by Margie Meacham | Feb 16, 2018 | Events, Featured, LearningToGo Blog
I am so excited to receive the “100 Most Talented Global Training & Development Leaders” award from the World Training & Development Congress. Each year, the selection committee searches the globe for a shortlist of individuals who are doing...
by Margie Meacham | Feb 9, 2018 | Podcasts
Megan Murphy, Executive Director If you’re wondering if there is still a place for all-girls’ education today, listen to my interview with Executive Director Megan Murphy who has led the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS). One of the most compelling reasons...
by Margie Meacham | Feb 8, 2018 | iTunes Podcasts
Listen to Podcast: Megan Murphy, Executive Director If you’re wondering if there is still a place for all-girls’ education today, listen to my interview with Executive Director Megan Murphy who has led the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS)....
by Margie Meacham | Feb 7, 2018 | LearningToGo Blog
We love our tech Most of us in the learning profession pride ourselves on being comfortable with technology. Whenever a new tool is available, we’re ready to give it a try, eager to adopt the latest way to help people learn. We spend huge amounts of money and...
by Margie Meacham | Feb 1, 2018 | LearningToGo Blog
You Have to Forget Some Old Truths to Master Essentials of Brain-Based Learning There really is a “Homer Simpson” effect in neuroscience. The phenomenon was given this name in honor of the Fox network character, Homer Simpson. Homer once told Marge that...
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