by Margie Meacham | Oct 2, 2017 | LearningToGo Blog
When I first wrote this post, I knew that there would be more terror, more deaths and more sorrow ahead of us. While it is impossible to make sense of something so horrible, we can explore recent events by reviewing how hatred can re-wire a brain that was born to love...
by Margie Meacham | Oct 1, 2017 | LearningToGo Blog
I’ve been privileged to work with the ATD to design and deliver my live virtual workshop series, Essentials of Brain-Based Learning for several years now. ATD is a world-class organization with a wide range of services and resources for learning professionals at...
by Margie Meacham | Sep 27, 2017 | LearningToGo Blog
I recently had the chance to talk with Katelijn Nijsmans, co-founder of The Tipping Point, a learning consulting firm based in Belgium. Here is her resulting article, which first appeared on the Stimulearning site. See you in Brussels soon, Katelijn! Most people still...
by Margie Meacham | Sep 22, 2017 | iTunes Podcasts
Listen to Podcast: If you’re thinking that this topic is only for those of us who directly design and deliver sales training, think again! Every learning professional must “sell” content and target behaviors to be effective. My guest in this session...
by Margie Meacham | Sep 22, 2017 | LearningToGo Blog
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